How Endodontic Treatment Can Relieve Your Tooth Pain

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There are a few things that can be worse than tooth pain which is persistent and refuses to go even after a few days. If you have been experiencing tooth pain for quite some time along with swelling around the tooth and gum tenderness, you may need a root canal treatment. A root canal which is also known as endodontic treatment is one of the best procedures for removing the pulp and roots of a tooth that have been decayed and infected. Let’s have a look at some signs that the endodontic treatment is necessary for improving your dental health.

What is Endodontic Treatment?
The endodontic treatment is either performed in one single session or series of treatment therapies that repair an infected or damaged tooth. The procedure is done by clearing out the pulp of the tooth and any abscess that has been occurred by the roots of the tooth. Once the treatment is complete, you will not feel any pain and the swelling will dissipate after a few days. As per Endodontics near 84660 it is better than having your tooth extracted as you will be able to save your natural tooth and keep your smile intact.

Severe Tooth Decay
Another sign that you need endodontic treatment is if your tooth is suffering from severe tooth decay. Tooth decay can be detected from tooth pain, an unpleasant taste, or odor in the mouth. The decay is usually at the top of the tooth but it can also extend to the roots and lead to an abscess in the lower area. Either way, the Endodontist will clean the infection and decay and perform the root canal procedure.

Pain from Pressure
As per Endodontics in Spanish Fork UT, a root canal is required when you suffer from pain when there is pressure on your tooth. The pain can be caused by chewing or simply pressing your teeth together. When the Endodontic conducts a root canal, you may feel slight sensitivity afterwards, but it will subside in a few days and there is nothing to worry about.

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