Traumatic Dental Injuries: What To Do

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Have you or a loved one experienced a traumatic dental injury? Think you may need Spanish Fork emergency dental care? At Maple Ridge Endodontics, our emergency endodontistt in Spanish Fork is always happy to help patients during their time of need. When it comes to dental emergencies, time can be extremely important. In the event you or a loved one experiences a dental emergency, please consider the following prior to visiting us:

Although toothaches are something that typically worsen over time, certain situations do arise where a sudden, severe toothache may occur. We recommend gently but thoroughly brushing and flossing your smile. If the problem persists, contact Maple Ridge Endodontics for an emergency dental appointment as a root canal may be necessary.

Damaged Teeth
In the event that teeth become damaged it is important to make sure that the affected tooth/teeth are properly repaired and restored. Even chips and cracks can eventually lead to severe decay or even infection of the tooth pulp, resulting in a tooth extraction being necessary. We recommend thoroughly rinsing the mouth and applying a cold compress if any swelling or bruising of the face is present. Next, contact our emergency dentist for an appointment as cracked tooth therapy may be necessary.

Dislodged Teeth
During certain dental accidents, teeth may become pushed back into the socket or even turned sideways. We recommend rinsing/cleaning the area and then immediately contacting Maple Ridge Endodontics. A root canal may be necessary depending upon the condition of your affected tooth.

Knocked Out Teeth
In the event that a tooth has been completely knocked out, we recommend immediately placing the tooth in water or milk and then gently rinsing/cleaning the mouth. Next, contact our emergency dentist immediately. In rare situations we may be able to save your tooth. Restorative dental treatments are also available to replace the missing tooth in the event it can’t be saved.

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