Think you may need endodontic retreatment in Spanish Fork? With proper oral care habits, you can keep your teeth for life after root canal treatment. But if a tooth doesn’t heal properly, becomes diseased, or causes severe pain months or years after your procedure, you may need endodontic retreatment to save your tooth. Searching for endodontic therapy in Spanish Fork, UT, 84660? Get in touch with Maple Ridge Endodontics!
We’re a renowned name in the field and our endodontist in Spanish Fork has avid dental experience to ensure that all patients receive top-notch dental treatment.
reasons for Endodontic Retreatment
Already undergone endodontic surgery? An endodontic retreatment may alleviate pain, and help promote healing. If you think your tooth requires retreatment after a root canal, contact your Spanish Fork, UT endodontist and schedule an evaluation.
Like with all medical procedures, results do not always turn out as planned, and slow healing or infection is always possible for many reasons:
- The first procedure failed to treat curved or narrow canals.
- There is a complex canal anatomy that was either undetected or difficult to treat.
- There was a delay in tooth restoration with a dental crown or filling after root canal therapy.
- The restoration failed to protect against tooth contamination.
A new dental condition can also endanger a tooth that had successfully undergone root canal treatment, such as:
- Newly developed decay can expose the filling to bacteria, and lead to a new tooth infection in the same tooth.
- A loose, broken or cracked dental crown or filling can expose the treated tooth to new infection after a root canal.
- A tooth fracture or other dental trauma.
Endodontic Retreatment Procedure
During your endodontic retreatment procedure, Dr. Bryan Cardon will go back inside the tooth and remove the materials that were placed to fill in the empty root canals during the initial procedure.
The endodontist will then perform a thorough examination of the tooth, removes any additional infection, cleans, disinfects and shapes the root canals and places fresh filling. The opening is closed and sealed with a temporary filling. Once the retreated tooth has healed, a new restoration will be placed to protect the tooth structure. Your endodontic retreatment procedure is complete!
Schedule an appointment today with Maple Ridge Endodontics for services!
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Our office serves Spanish Fork, Utah and the surrounding areas.
Call: (801) 504-6295 or fill out this form, and we’ll get back to you shortly.
Call: (801) 504-6295 or fill out this form, and we’ll get back to you shortly.